
Friday, October 23, 2015

How to install Apache Ant and run build script from command prompt

In this post, I will explain you the steps to install Apache Ant and run ant build script from command prompt.

Following are the steps to be followed to install Apache Ant.

1. Download Apache Ant's zip file from Apache Ant official website.
For example :, unzip it to the folder where you want to store Apache Ant.

2. Make sure JDK is installed. And configure JAVA_HOME as environmental variable.

3. Configure ANT_HOME environmental variable as shown. In my case C:\apache-ant-1.9.5 stores Apache Ant.


4.  Set ANT_Home's path.

After the above steps, when you run the command ant -v from command prompt it should show you the following details:

 which means ant is setup successfully.

Follow the steps to run build script from command prompt.

1. Open command prompt and run the following command.

ant -f C:\Umesh\Code\\Portal\build.xml build 

Here C:\Umesh\Code\\Portal\ is the folder location where my build script exists.

2. Once you hit the above command, the script start executing as shown:

Once the script is run successfully, it will display confirmation message in command prompt.

Friday, April 10, 2015

How to generate HTML Javadocs using Jdeveloper

In this blog, I will explain the steps to create HTML Javadocs using Jdeveloper.

First add Javadocs for all the classes and its methods using  /** */.

Then follow the below steps to create HTML Javadocs.

1. Select the folder/file for which you want to create HTML Javadocs.

2. Go to Build menu and select Javadoc com.test to create HTML Javadoc.

3. Once the Javadoc is created, you should see the below message in the logs.

4. To view generated Javadoc for a specific class, Go to Java Doc in Navigate menu and search for the file.


5. Alternatively, you can go to the folder where Javadoc HTMLs are created.
In my case: C:\Jdeveloper\mywork\TestJavaDocApp\Javadoc\javadoc.
Click on index.html to view HTML javadocs.